Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Is there a fine art to illustration? Marshall Arisman

Challenging illustration as fine art. This is quite difficult as I first have to ask myself what is the difference? What makes art fine? What makes art an illustration? What comes into my head when I think of fine art - a painting, a freedom, no meaning, or deep concepts, making art for art's sake. What comes into my head when I think of illustration - a purpose, an audience, a target, making us feel something, a story, a journey.
I came across this piece on the Association of Illustrator's website that made me feel all of those things to the point where I wouldn't be able to depict between the two. Incredible painting skills of a fine artist, emotional deep concept of a fine artist, but I feel it has a purpose, a story, trying to tell us something and make a statement and could be part of a series of illustrations. It is not an advertisement, it is not a commercial design and I feel it challenges the line between fine art and illustration.

Borja - When We Were Fab

1) Fine Art is pure
2) Illustration is the beginning of selling out
3) Graphic Design is commercial art
4) Advertising is selling - period.

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