Thursday, 20 November 2014

Study Task 4 - Peer Review & Research Notes

In groups of 3 we assessed each others work and this was quite helpful to me. I felt that I didn't really get as much feedback as the others in terms of new ideas because they feel my idea is already pretty strong but it would have been nice to have been given new methods of research. I feel at this stage its hard to pin my idea down to a single question. I know roughly it's about gender equality and cultures that have developed into the modern day degrading of women and how this has become socially acceptable. It has started to become a trend with Lad Culture. They gave me the idea to spin it on it's head and create my own culture of 'Lasses' and make fake society posters around to get a reaction of this. However I am still unsure what I am questioning? Am I questioning when it started or why were accepting it? How it has happened? What are it's influences? I feel I am not sure until I gather more research.

Points I was told to look at:
  • Stay at home dads
  • Jessica Enis on rape
  • Kim Kardashian subjecting her body 
  • Phone hack of female celebs

Proposed Research theme

Gender Inequality

(Research Behind) What research needs to be undertaken into the general and specific contexts of the research project?

What has happened before/behind the chosen subject.
Historical Events
Technological change
political factors
Who are the figures within it?
Illustrators, novelists, thinkers, writers, philosophers
What is the history of it?
Is there a general attitude towards it that colours everyones understanding?
  • Social / cultural resewarch
  • historical events
  • male shaming
  • modern day (dapper laughs)
  • find the general conscensus of Lad culture, dominant attitudes, how people percieve it
  • Emma Watson
  • Feminists
(Research Through) What approaches could be taken and what processes, methods, materials and tools could be involved in the research project?

Thinking of your work or a process, what process will you go through to research it
How will it be done
What sort of questions will you ask about the topic
What methodology will you use - ways of working, a strategy, how you will find information.

Epistemological decision - deciding which media you use
Reflective Practise
What factors could disrupt your creative practice?
  • Why are we accepting it?
  • Why has it gone on so long?
  • What if the roles were reversed? Lass trends / Lass bible
  • Why aren't men standing up to this as well as women? (Feminists)
(Research For) What preparations/investigations need to be undertaken for the research project to take place?

What preparation needs to be undertaken for the Research Project to take place
How will you go about investigating the chosen subject
Research into research - how to put a questionnaire together, an unbiased interview. New techniques to imply.
  • First hand research
  • Gender culture (narrowed down to a specific region/continent/country)
  • How do you form a new culture? Use of media and social networking
(Research in front of) What research needs to be undertaken regarding who the project is for?

Who is your research project to? Who is the audience for all this
What professional contexts could your research be aimed at? Illustrators
Can anyone make use of your project
Can you collaberate with other practises eg fashion
How would your tone of voice change if you targetted it at a different audience
Does your work challenge existing knowledge in the field?
  • Youth - Current 'lads' against the older generation (changing our views)
  • He for she campaign
  • Feminist movements
  • Fashion/chinese whispers - how views are narrowed down and change. How trends reoccur.
Hermantic Circle

First grasp - What you first know about the topic - Gender Equality
Inspection of detail - Lad culture, does this change anything?
Global inspection - How culture changed towards women historically
Deeper Understanding

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