Thursday 23 April 2015

Boards for the crit

I need to lay out what I've done so far and then what I intend to do within the next 4 days in order to submit successfully

  • Show the 4 designs I've done
  • Show the 4 I've yet to do (the drawings) with the text for them and the poster as the style I want to do them in
  • Need to issuu all of my blog
  • Need to properly reference my essay
Hopefully this will give people an indication that yes I am behind schedule and only completed 4 designs but I have a clear plan of what it is that I need to do, just a case of doing it. Designs usually take me half a day to complete so that means it will take me 2 days to colour and complete each image. I have four left meaning that the other two can be spent tidying up my blog and essay.

First board - the question of my essay

2nd board the finished designs so far

3rd board - My 5th design and what I'll be doing

4th Board - 6th design of male nurse

5th Board

6th Board

7th Board

Final Board

I've started to issuu the blog but stil got lots to issuu on it!
All images scannned in ready to colour
Session finishes at 2:30 today giving me a good 4 hours to get some colouring done


  • Really clear communication with your drawings
  • Strong linework
  • The aesthetic matches the direction of your idea
  • Some strong messages coming through in the drawings
  • You've researched well into your subject and chose some strong eras to compare
  • Links well to essay question
  • You've clearly put a lot of work into this. Some of the text works really well
  • Clearly done a lot of research into topic, links really well to the essay
  • I think it would be good to see you expand type more but thats just me being picky
  • If you want more focus on the imagery, maybe reduce the size/weight of the text? 
  • Use your own handwriting to add personal effects


I asked my peers what should I do about the fact that I have two fisher price posters, and they suggested using another toy brand such as Meccano. When I looked at Meccano this seemed a genius idea because it is mechanical toys and engineering for boys. I could use that logo on the poster of the girl digging. 

Logo I made :

Logo on the image

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