Saturday 25 April 2015

Final Designs

These are the designs I am happy with after adding the final touches and printing them A6


Overall I am really happy with the outcomes I think they work well as a set. If I approached the module again or had more time I would create them on InDesign and print the back of the cards to be like proper post-cards ready to send. I would also have to consider the designs as landscape format rather than portrait as postcards are usually landscape. However, I feel the idea is certainly there and the aesthetic. I am pleased with finding the brush that I went over my final outcomes in to give it that grainy effect I maybe could have pushed that further to make it more dated. If I had more time I would also focus more on the text used and try to replicate them in my own hand generated style more rather than being exact with the font and colour choice used. I would also consider watercolour as a medium especially for the 'nestle' piece I think the chocolate bars would have looked really nice in this. 
I could have considered packaging better, I ran out of time for this. I think that they would look nice in a brown box or envelope; and I could have proposed them on postcard stands in old stores. 
Other than this, I feel I have pushed myself to consider more of an old fashioned approach to image making and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. 

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