Friday, 18 December 2015

practical : poster influences

For the male poster I definitely want to carry on the barbershop theme to keep it current. I would like to incorporate some of these designs:

I really like this if it were a line drawing but I am not sure if I will have the time now

Practical - box measurements

I scanned in my original mock up net to create a net on Photoshop with

This would be the basis of my design and would stop it from being so pixelated from using nets off the internet

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Practical - making my own ink flowers

When looking into feminine products I decided ink and brush would be best for creating a pattern. In particular for floral patterns, because my digital attempt was rather shocking!

I took certain sections from this and repeated them into a pattern

I then tried laying colour over them

I put the logo over the top and tried different colours for it to stand out more

I figured the logo would need to be within a white space because no colours were suiting. 

This wasn't working. I went back to my design and decided to re lay the flowers out again and tried to make a pattern with all of my favourite ones together on a page

I really liked this. I played with the opacity and layering colour over it. I then added a white band along the centre to put the font inside. 

Mock up

I had a look to see what it would look like on a net that I found online, but it printed out really pixelated as the net was far too small. 

Practical -- ink floral design contextual ref

I looked at some floral designs to see how they used their ink and brush and how marks could be translated across onto a product

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Written - Dissertation draft for final tutorial

I kept having issues with my gmail, my draft would not send despite trying 5 times and it was too large to send on hotmail, so I have had to make a pdf for it to be viewed on here instead.

I have printed off my dissertation from my ISSUU upload to take to the tutorial with me, so hopefully I can at least get some feedback.

When attending my tutorial Richard said that the reason my emails may not have sent was because my images were too large, and that they may need to be submitted in a separate document. He is taking it to read over the weekend and we are meeting back up on Monday afternoon. 

The feedback given thus far was useful to critique writers more up against other writers rather than explaining what they are saying. Also for the introduction, split it into 5 sections - the beginning explaining the question and why I am looking at that, then explain what is happening in each chapter in terms of the theorist and what will be exploring, and the case studies. It must be NO MORE than 500 words. As I am currently on 8705 words, and the conclusion should be 1,000, I should be cutting parts out. We looked at where I could possibly do this, and Richard felt that when describing Packard and Tellis' theories I should remove some of the larger quotes, or at least cut them into half and summarise them more. 

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Written - Case study 2 - Gillette

How does superman shave?

'The worst an ad can get '

More celebrity endorsement in the form of Beckham - which actually encourages INEQUALITY. 'All men are not equal.. neither are their razors' trying to imply that different razors are meant for different kinds of men. THEIR suggests a sense of property, that men own these razors and they are for no one else. The way Beckham is grasping his razor as if he is clutching onto it is quite defensive, along with his arms being crossed.  - he was replaced by the 3 sports stars. So how have they moved on from this masculine ad by including a further 3 sports stars to the mix labelling them 'champions' almost as if they are champions and successful for choosing to use Gilette?

Gillette using sports

Gillette and the World of Sports
Gillette has a rich sports heritage that provides natural synergies with our reputation as a performance brand. Sports marketing plays an important role for the Gillette brand, helping us to tap into a key passion for men and strengthening our connection with consumers.
Through the years, Gillette has had partnerships with many sportsmen, including world-class athletes. Gillette’s enduring association with sports goes as far back as the early 1900s. Gillette had the vision to see the value in connecting the brand with top-tier sports and athletes. In 1910, Gillette produced a print ad with images of baseball greats such as Pittsburgh Pirates’ infielder, Honus Wagner, in ads for the original Gillette Safety Razor.

Written - Case study 1 - female razors, gillette venus

This is actually an advertisement for male razors. The tagline hashtag smelly male stubble, starting a trend, an attack against men with hair as if they smell bad because they have hair and that's what women are against. Plus the model looks displeased with the man that has hair and so to lighten her mood men should have smooth skin like she does, highlighted by the light on her legs. Her feet are crossed suggesting she is closed off too. 

Celebrity endorsement, a woman of power being Jennifer lopez representing this 'goddess' figure that women should aspire to be. It suggests that somewhere, within women, there is a hidden goddess just waiting to burst out and the only way that women can unleash this character is through shaving her legs using Venus, with the tagline ' Reveal the goddess in you.' It's all very supernatural with the sparkly outfit and the white font against the black to stand out.  The light shining from the right hand corner representing the spotlight being on you if you shave and also a sense of hope. 

 Not only is it offering this sense of power of being a goddess, but it's the goddess of 'friendship' if there were such a thing. A mythical creature, perhaps a religious one, one of status, that magically has lots of friends because she shaves, alongside the other women that shave too, a smooth cult. All seen looking extremely happy because they have found their new love of shaving together.

This one is interesting because the woman is a goddess, she is in control so much that she is in control of men too and has them 'sweeping her off her feet.' However, is she in control, or is the man in control for sweeping her off her feet, he is higher in the picture, but she seems to be the main focus because we see her face clearer than his with a positive expression and her legs take up most of the image so that our attention is drawn to them. 

I chose this picture because of the language used, 'just one stroke' as if it is as easy as that, only takes one stroke, you don't have to do any strenuous activity and you can sit back and relax and sunbathe. Also the word 'longer' used which can also represent long legs that are shown in the picture. Again multiple models used in this one to give a sense of team work, as if all females should be doing this and using the product to create a sense of unity. 

Here we don't see the woman's face but we don't need to her legs are enough to make her a goddess, so much so that a man is wrapped around her leg, as if she has full control over him as he peers into her eyes. 'He'll be wrapped around more than your finger' suggests that women have full control over men anyway, but to shave your legs means you will have even more control over them. The light glows over her body giving her more of a sense of power and an almighty 'god' like image. 

Colours used are pastel - light blue, pink, light purple - feminine. 
Words : swirl, long, embrace, smooth, irresistable, radiant, vibrant, moisture, beautiful

Hidden symbol : flower. What do flowers/petals have to do with razors? 

The razor itself, smooth to touch, more elegant in shape, rounded and curves, representing womens curves perhaps? Supposed to be sexy and easy to hold.

Venus is a roman goddess.

Venus (/ˈvnəs/, Classical Latin: /ˈwɛnʊs/) is the Roman goddess whose functions encompassed love, beauty, sex, fertility, prosperity and desire. In Roman mythology, she was the mother of the Roman people through her son, Aeneas, who survived the fall of Troy and fled to Italy. Julius Caesar claimed her as his ancestor. Venus was central to many religious festivals, and was revered in Roman religion under numerous cult titles.
The Romans adapted the myths and iconography of her Greek counterpart Aphrodite for Roman art and Latin literature. In the later classical tradition of the West, Venus becomes one of the most widely referenced deities of Greco-Roman mythology as the embodiment of love and sexuality.

She represents love and sexuality, beauty and desire. Hence the slogan, 'I'm your Venus, I'm your fire, you're desire'

Written - Dissertation lecture notes

Resolving your research project (Academic conventions)

1) Introduction
Outlines the argument of the direction it is going to take

  • Demonstrate a critical knowledge of practice
  • Apply theory to practice
  • Analyse relevant material
  • Evaluate theory and evidence written context of study
  • Reflect - critiquing and critically reflecting on your learning 
limited work :

  • passive acceptance of ideas
  • routine facts
  • sees small chunks
  • lack of understanding, reflection of, ignorance of patterns and theories
  • little attempt to understand
  • minimal preparation and research
Deep approach :
  • Indépendant engagement with material
  • Critical and thoughtful about idea
  • Examines logic of arguments 
  • Ongoing reflection
Evidence deep learning :
  • Use specialist terminology
  • Art terminology, critical terminology, dictionary - get one 
  • Explicitly analysing where your writing is coming from 
The intro should map out the logic of your argument (500 words)

  • Paragraph of each chapter 
  • Each chapter has an intro and conclusion
  • One point lead to another
  • Concise writing, not waffle
  • If you're uncertain about a point say potentially, can, etc. Unless you're confident. Make your point, back it up with evidence. 
  • Aovid repeating the same words.
  • Avoid abbreviations
  • Avoid slang
  • Avoid vague terms
Blog what you're worried about, what you think you won't get done, plan how you're gonna get it done, how you'll use the last tutorial

Referencing :
MILES, R. (2003) Why Referencing, Leeds: LCA Publishing

  • Don't have to do capitals, and italics, but if you do you have to do it throughout the whole thing
  • For quotes just use ' ' not " "
  • REF ME ---> website, put in your ISBN number and it gives you the references. 
  • Bibliography order : books/website/journal/visits
  • Illustrations need to be harvard referenced too.
Layout of dissertation :
  • Title/Acknowledgements/Contents/List of illustrations
  • Introduction - The abstract/statement of the problem/methological approach/ review of literature/ logically developed
  • Main body - argument/chapters/result of investigation/case study
  • Conclusion - Discussion and conclusion/summary of conclusions
  • Extras - Bibliography/appendices - Interviews, statistical data - OF ALL THE RESEARCH DONE NOT JUST WHAT IS CITED
  • 1.5 spaced 12pt type
  • For blog - write down major aims of the project, give a brief summary of work so far, comment on your time management, how the practical relates to the written.

Written - Dissertation tutorial notes

  • Hidden persuaders the core to build everything around
  • 8 hidden techniques used, add to advertising theory and then the case studies
  • Selling reassurance of worth, feel worthy, products and power
  • ego gratification, being all you can be
  • love object
  • Triangulate all the other writers around that
  • After the discussion of packard, go through each point

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Written - Marketing 8 hidden needs notes

  • Selling emotional security. Products representing assurance and security, warmth, safety. (page 86)
  • Selling reassurance of worth. Dr Smiths book of motivational research makes the point that luggage makers can increase sales if they remind the public that they are selling a form of reassurance. Nice new luggage, he advises, gives a man a feeling of being important and gives him more bearing when he goes out into the world. (page 88)
  • Selling ego-gratification. One of the most forthright instances of selling ego-gratification is that done by the vanity press that brings out books completely subsidized by the author. During the early fifties 10 percent of all books published in America were of this variety. (Page 89)
  • Selling creative outlets. Housewives consistently report that one of the most pleasurable tasks of the home is making a cake. Psychologists were put to work exploring this phenomenon for merchandising clues. James Vicary made a study of cake symbolism and came up with the conclusion that when a woman bakes a cake for her family she is symbolically presenting the family with a new baby, an idea she likes very much........ Marketers are finding many areas where they can improve sales by urging the prospective customer to add his creative touch. (Page 90 & 91)
  • Selling love objects. (page 91)
  • Selling sense of power. The fascination Americans show for any product that seems to offer them a personal extension of power has offered a rich field for exploitation by merchandisers. (Page 92) One complication of the power appeal of a powerful new car, the Institute for Motivational Research found, was that the man buying it often feels guilty about indulging himself with power that might be regarded as needless. (Page 92) Power boats - One man, an executive, who was invited to chat at length on the subject said that with a good power boat 'you can show that you are all man and let her rip - without having the fear that you are bound to have on the road.'
  • Selling a sense of roots. Psychiatrists and other probers listening to people talk at random about wine found that many related it to old family entered or festive occasions. some talked in an almost homesick way about wine and the good old days that went with it. (page 93)
  • Selling immortality. Selling life insurance, how to put more impact into their messages advertising insurance. Mr Weiss asked how advertising could be more effective in reassuring both these types on the prospect for the kind of immortality they yearned for. In short, how could the appeals promise both protection and control without alienating one or the other of the potential buyers? (page 94)

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Practical - Fonts - Female

This is my favourite :

I think that would be achievable with ink.

I also like these :

Experimented with ink : 

I am really pleased with how this came out I think ink is definitely best for a female product

Added colour to it :

It's hard to keep the texture of the ink when adding colour I don't think it works as well

Practical - Fonts - Male

Barbershop Vintage fonts

I think this style would suit masculine packaging really well because it's what is current at the moment for men, the whole barbershop culture, beards and barbers. 

Experimenting with the fonts with the name of the brand : 

Hand generated with fine liner :

Coloured on Photoshop :


I really like this I feel I'm starting to get somewhere with it now and it's more rewarding than just using a Photoshop default font

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Practical - Molar - toothpaste for men


Trying out masculine colours taking influence from aftershave boxes

Getting to that point :

Further experimentation

I took influence from an earlier image I found of some male product (I think it was soap) and the packaging had like a corky effect. I also wanted to get a similar font because I felt it was effective for a male product

I saw that most products have this 'since1982' or what ever on them so I decided to put since 2016 to make it humorous

I included some humorous text that you see on masculine products like my research into razors such as 'cool, hyrdo, powerful' to make it seem like a machine - synthesis

I also played around with the background colours to see which complimented the camel and opted for this light grey

I have figured if I use a pattern that has to be symmetrical it's going to be harder to translate that onto a net and put it together, so if I stick to one overall pattern like these brush strokes then it will be easier to produce

Practical - Contextual Research - Toothpaste posters

Practical - Contextual Research - Toothpaste packaging

Practical - How to market the packaging design further

Taking the initial design and then translating that across onto products and packaging for further marketing. This could be done with the toothpaste

Practical - Contextual research - Illustrative packaging

Practical - Contextual research masculine packaging

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Practical - Femitooth - toothpaste for her

Femitooth is the name for the ladies brand because it's quite uncomfortable when femi is put in front of a product it reminds me of feminine wipes or a femidom… so I think its very mocking of feminine products.

I want a catchy slogan underneath but I haven't figured that out yet, something about independent ladies who can brush on their own

This is just a rough idea of what a net would look like I've tried to incorporate a design onto it but it's not what I'll be going for, looks very dated, I just wanted to get an idea of how the design would be layed out. I think with a pattern like this that has to be continuous it's going to be harder to figure out how to join the sides together.
Further experimentation

I've began looking at other colour palettes, this one being pastel colours to represent femininity. Trying out other patterns with shapes I can create on Photoshop rather than flowers because I am not very good at drawing them digitally! Ideally I wanted diamonds but the pentagon was easy because it was already made up. 

I tried out some different fonts that would be seen on toiletries, something that looked clean and fresh but still feminine rather than calligraphic.

Tried out adding more colour to the shapes but they looked too vibrant


Trying the floral pattern with this font

I thought i'd change up the pattern and try this floral one but it looks very dated I feel 

Maybe it is the colour? I am not sure... 

Final for that design :

This is the final design I came up with for that after playing around with colour but I'm still not happy with it, it doesn't say toothpaste to me.. maybe that's my point though? 

3rd design idea :

Practical - Contextual research feminine packaging

Trying some patterns myself

Practical - Floral pattern for packaging


Looking at female products there are a lot of floral designs so I have decided to experiment creating some to add onto the packaging. However, I feel that the more successful floral patterns are done in ink or paint and have a really nice texture and marks to them. Before experimenting with that I have tried some digital designs. Colouring them doesn't seem to work, it seems less is more for this. I am not happy with any of these outcomes, they don't look right at all. However, I decided to at least take one and try make something of it or it would be a waste

I think less is more with regards to this, not using colour will look more affective on packaging

Here I tried to be a lot looser with my lines with influence from other floral designs I'd seen

Putting one of them into a pattern design

Experimenting with the elipse tool for logo

I had a play around with how it would look on a net