Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Practical - Molar - toothpaste for men


Trying out masculine colours taking influence from aftershave boxes

Getting to that point :

Further experimentation

I took influence from an earlier image I found of some male product (I think it was soap) and the packaging had like a corky effect. I also wanted to get a similar font because I felt it was effective for a male product

I saw that most products have this 'since1982' or what ever on them so I decided to put since 2016 to make it humorous

I included some humorous text that you see on masculine products like my research into razors such as 'cool, hyrdo, powerful' to make it seem like a machine - synthesis

I also played around with the background colours to see which complimented the camel and opted for this light grey

I have figured if I use a pattern that has to be symmetrical it's going to be harder to translate that onto a net and put it together, so if I stick to one overall pattern like these brush strokes then it will be easier to produce

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