Wednesday 9 December 2015

Written - Dissertation lecture notes

Resolving your research project (Academic conventions)

1) Introduction
Outlines the argument of the direction it is going to take

  • Demonstrate a critical knowledge of practice
  • Apply theory to practice
  • Analyse relevant material
  • Evaluate theory and evidence written context of study
  • Reflect - critiquing and critically reflecting on your learning 
limited work :

  • passive acceptance of ideas
  • routine facts
  • sees small chunks
  • lack of understanding, reflection of, ignorance of patterns and theories
  • little attempt to understand
  • minimal preparation and research
Deep approach :
  • Indépendant engagement with material
  • Critical and thoughtful about idea
  • Examines logic of arguments 
  • Ongoing reflection
Evidence deep learning :
  • Use specialist terminology
  • Art terminology, critical terminology, dictionary - get one 
  • Explicitly analysing where your writing is coming from 
The intro should map out the logic of your argument (500 words)

  • Paragraph of each chapter 
  • Each chapter has an intro and conclusion
  • One point lead to another
  • Concise writing, not waffle
  • If you're uncertain about a point say potentially, can, etc. Unless you're confident. Make your point, back it up with evidence. 
  • Aovid repeating the same words.
  • Avoid abbreviations
  • Avoid slang
  • Avoid vague terms
Blog what you're worried about, what you think you won't get done, plan how you're gonna get it done, how you'll use the last tutorial

Referencing :
MILES, R. (2003) Why Referencing, Leeds: LCA Publishing

  • Don't have to do capitals, and italics, but if you do you have to do it throughout the whole thing
  • For quotes just use ' ' not " "
  • REF ME ---> website, put in your ISBN number and it gives you the references. 
  • Bibliography order : books/website/journal/visits
  • Illustrations need to be harvard referenced too.
Layout of dissertation :
  • Title/Acknowledgements/Contents/List of illustrations
  • Introduction - The abstract/statement of the problem/methological approach/ review of literature/ logically developed
  • Main body - argument/chapters/result of investigation/case study
  • Conclusion - Discussion and conclusion/summary of conclusions
  • Extras - Bibliography/appendices - Interviews, statistical data - OF ALL THE RESEARCH DONE NOT JUST WHAT IS CITED
  • 1.5 spaced 12pt type
  • For blog - write down major aims of the project, give a brief summary of work so far, comment on your time management, how the practical relates to the written.

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