Thursday 17 December 2015

Practical - making my own ink flowers

When looking into feminine products I decided ink and brush would be best for creating a pattern. In particular for floral patterns, because my digital attempt was rather shocking!

I took certain sections from this and repeated them into a pattern

I then tried laying colour over them

I put the logo over the top and tried different colours for it to stand out more

I figured the logo would need to be within a white space because no colours were suiting. 

This wasn't working. I went back to my design and decided to re lay the flowers out again and tried to make a pattern with all of my favourite ones together on a page

I really liked this. I played with the opacity and layering colour over it. I then added a white band along the centre to put the font inside. 

Mock up

I had a look to see what it would look like on a net that I found online, but it printed out really pixelated as the net was far too small. 

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