Thursday 15 October 2015

Written - Questions for tutorial

  • Who can I contact - for example products such as snickers, yorkies etc email them and ask why their target audiences are a specific gender. Also supermarkets ask why they categorise products into different gender sections. If so, what is the best way of going about this, like who do I need to speak to and how do I do that professionally. How do I word the emails etc? 
  • Is a questionnaire worth doing?
  • What other theorists look at gender and advertisement?
  • Is there any other sites or books I can look at for advertisement 
  • Structure of my essay, what do I look at first so do I look at gender specific adverts, sexism, exaggeration of sex, then look at gender neutral advertisement, how it has changed over time, then how gender is used unnessesarily for certain products, and how it could just be eliminated. What can my main focus be in terms of a theorist to back up all of my research?
  • Practical idea - should i make my own gender neutral campaign or should it be an exaggeration and play on gender for a certain product and market that.
  • Books - am I reading the right stuff? I don't want to get bogged down reading things that could be irrelevant 

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