Wednesday 13 January 2016

Practical - Feedback from peer reviews and final crit


My dissertation concluded that it is imperative consumers begin to question messages given to them in advertising with regards to gender. The products I created were intended to show that if as consumers we lie back and let this happen, eventually all products will be gender segregated because of its success. 

It was interesting for me to analyse peoples reaction to my work in the group crit because this would show me whether I have completed my aim of making these products sarcastic and humorous. The last thing I wanted was for people to think that this product was serious and could stand alone as an actual real product that would sell. 

Luckily, I had a lot of responses that found the products funny, especially with regards to the tag lines in the posters and the descriptions on the boxes. Despite looking professional with mocked up professional boards, the product itself is intended to mock the advertisement industry, so I really wanted this to come across. ---- SYNTHESIS

From the group

From Sophie Wright

I thought this was really nice feedback but also constructive and helpful with regards to how much text I currently have on my blog so that needs cutting down. I know I need to ISSUU my blog images still too so this would explain all of the posts being long.
I think more importantly this is achievable within the time left.


1st individual peer feedback from Kane

2nd individual peer feedback from Rowena

What I got from that feedback overall

It was nice to get a male and female perspective for this as well. The feedback Kane gave me into barbershop ideas and Lad culture was really helpful. 

Barber Barber

Paul & Joe


First individual feedback

Second individual feedback

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