Thursday 7 January 2016

Practical - Presentation boards - notes & final ones

Layout order :
  • Brief
A practical resolution in response to a selected area of individually identified research or agreed research question. You should record, document and present  research notes and documentation of practical development in the form of your Context of Practice Blog. 
Using the dissertation, demonstrate an example of how gender is represented in product advertisement
  • Response to the brief
In response to the brief, the product toothpaste was chosen to represent something that is currently gender neutral. It was then adapted to create two campaigns of each gender in advertisement. 

Both campaigns consist of a logo, slogans, toothpaste box, and an advertising poster. These are then marketed on webpages and iPhone screens to highlight where these products would be sold. The campaigns have also been mocked up in context. 

  • Research
Initial research was into the themes within the essay and included exploration of collage. There was contextual research into product design and advertisement on a whole. Particular interest was shown to 'unnecessarily gendered products' which triggered the idea for toothpaste becoming gendered. There was further research into fonts, pattern, colour and language within product design that determined a certain sex of audience. 
  • Development 
The development began through the logo process which was hand crafted with ink and fine liner pens. These were then digitally edited on Photoshop and created the basis upon which the net designs were formed. A pattern was then constructed also by hand with ink, and re-arranged digitally to create a composition. The patterns informed poster designs, advertising the product. 
  • Boxes
A net was constructed on Adobe Photoshop and the designs placed within the template. These were then printed on 250 gsm card 
  • Posters
  • Mock-ups

Final boards : 

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